Typically, home buyers who has some basic knowledge of Fengshui would know the 3 key areas for property. In case if you may not be aware, main door being most important with bedrooms and kitchen stove location. Today, I would like to share with readers another area that maybe less thought of. You may be thinking as if the 3 key areas are not enough considerations... Yes, it is hard to get a good fengshui house. (As such, you can tell it really is not a simple business to getting a good fengshui property). Cutting to the chase, if one is buying properties with these features, you need to take note of are the location of the lift with its door opening, stair ways and balcony. These are areas not often mentioned. But to share with you, yes, it does matter. Sharing one example of a lift door - there had always been a belief that lift door should not open or face directly to your main door. This is due to 气冲 which allow qi to flow out directly in 'a straight line' and, this is negative. But in all honesty, there is much more metaphysics science to it. (If you do have such layout, rest assure this alone does not determine the quality of fengshui.) The key in these areas mentioned forms part of pint of entry of qi to property. In a sense, it forms part of 气口 to your property. Thus these highlighted areas can influence the grade of your property just as much as your bedrooms or your kitchen. Based on below example, the lift lies outside of the floorplan. To a certain extend, it looks to be reasonably regular in shape. However, what maybe less common is if the sector where the qi comes in is at the auspicious sector of your property? To share, the following property that applies to this are especially these properties: Residential property - Executive mansionette (HDB EM), Penthhouse, Shop houses, Loft unit apartments, Apartment with private lifts and all landed properties Commercial property - Walk up shop houses, commercial buildings Are you are planning to get a double story unit or properties mentioned? It would be prudent to have Fengshui audit before committing. As with property buying, it is always about location, location location. But this time applied in Fengshui aspect.
5/11/2024 1 Comment Bazi Relationship - Mother and YouDo you know that you can tell the relationship between you and your mother in your bazi chart? Alternatively, can we tell if your mother meant well and takes good care of you? Each of us is represented by an element – could be Metal, Water, Wood, Fire or Earth. How about our Mother? It would naturally then be represented by the element that produces (the element that represent us) us in the five elements. In bazi terminology, we also call elements that represent Mother, the resource star. Elements representing mother and you Earth (Mother) --> Metal (You) Metal (Mother) --> Water (You) Water (Mother) --> Wood (You) Wood (Mother) --> Fire (You) Fire (Mother) --> Earth (You) Generally, an easy way to gauge our relationship with our mother can be found below: Scenario 1: Mother that is caring and with the right balance – just 1 or 2 resource star that is sitting near us. Scenario 2: Mother that is close to you but may overly nags/over indulge the children – 3 or more resource star in the chart Scenario 3: Mother that has lesser affinity with children. Mother and child needs more effort in relationship – 0 resource star or just 1 that is ‘far’ away in bazi chart As you could see from above bazi chart, the person (represented by 乙 wood) 'receives' a lot of care from the water star (representing mother). Such individual can also be quite lucky and receive help from nobleman.
That said, bazi is a dynamic subject and there are certainly more ways to infer. Hence, above methods are just simple quick ways and not conclusive. There are other ways to read deeper in our relationship through bazi reading and other Chinese metaphysics personal luck reading systems. All in all, should your mother’s element be favourable in your chart, your mother’s relationship and you should be good. You would also receive care from her. Hope you enjoy this short article on mothers and you. Wishing all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day! The Dragon zodiac, the leader, mystic and auspicious zodiac. Being majestic, more babies are usually born during Dragon year. Are you expecting a Dragon baby this year? What are the considerations you should make in having an auspicious name in year of Dragon? What makes a good name? Consider the baby or person’s bazi. This is due to the influences of the elements which can be considered. In this area, you would need to have a good understand of bazi. This is to allow you to ascertain the strength and season of bazi. Stoke count is another component. Finally, the year zodiac person is born in. Today, let’s explore what then are suitable characters then for an auspicious names. Ancient times, our Chinese characters are formed by different radicals and based on real life forms. Hence, there are some basis or link to 5 elements context. Some of the suitable radicals and characters: 氵, 水 Dragon loves water. In fact, in bazi, Dragon forms part of three harmony combo with Rat and Monkey to form water. As such, it is 1 of the elements that is favored in name. Suitable characters: 泳,冰,淋,洁,海,滢,清,霞,雷,雾 子,申 Since Dragon is in harmony with Rat and Monkey, characters linked to the said zodiac are favourable too. Suitable characters: 子,字,孜,孟,袁,享,承,审,侯,申 王,大,主 Being the leader and majestic, radicals representing king are favourable. In case you are wondering, in the old days, servants call their owners 主子. Hence, 主is one of radicals/characters usable. Suitable characters: 王,珍,珠,玉,玲,环,天,添,太,柱 天,星,云,日,月 Being a celestial animal, it belongs to heaven and soar majestically in the sky. Names with associated radicals or characters support the zodiac’s environment and hence auspicious. Suitable characters: 天,有,胜,胡,望,晶,明,晓,春,显 Let’s also look at some of the inauspicious characters and radicals that should not be used. 戌,犭,犬 Commonly known, in the 12 zodiacs, Dragon clashes with Dog. As such, radicals or characters represent Dog should never be used. Unsuitable characters: 成,诚,茂,状,猛,献,威,威 口 口 represents the form of a hole and this creates a trapped feeling for Dragon. As such, names should avoid any of such radical or character font. Unsuitable characters: 如,向, 享, 合,和,吴,吾,问, 台, 名,味 宀 Contrary to smaller zodiacs, Dragon dislike any shelter sorts of radical. This has similar effect of being trapped. Majestic zodiac like Dragon prefers to soar in the sky. Unsuitable characters: 家,宏,宗, 富, 宝,宣,安,寅,宁,宾,宛,冠 辶, 廴,巳 In physical form, Dragon and Snake has similarity. However, Dragon does not like being mistaken as Snake. Radicals being used should take note and avoid where necessary. Unsuitable characters: 建,进,追,连,运,达,之,芝 人, 彳 Human and Dragon belongs to two different realms. Should radicals or characters of人,彳be used, it lowers the status of Dragon with lesser help to social standing. Unsuitable characters: 徐,仁,人,俩,信,仿,微,径,任 Chinese have a saying "赐子千金, 不如教子一艺, 教子一艺, 不如赐子好名". The thoughts behind this was, giving wealth to children, we rather teach our children the means to earn a living. Yet, teaching the means for a living, we rather give a good name. And it is not just a good name, but a name with auspiciousness that follows us for life. Bonus tip: Surnames are by default based on the family we are born into. Certain surnames are therefore also more advantages and will provide extra luck. Some of following surnames that are more auspicious for Dragon are: 李,洪,王,梁,沈,孙,潘,冯 In summary, important radicals and characters are only part of equation – not only based on stroke counts. Practitioner also has to ensure the name has a nice tone to it to elevate the name. The final piece of balancing is matching to individual’s bazi to harmonize the selection. Only then, we can considered the name well crafted.
*href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/high-angle-man-writing-chinese-symbols-white-paper_12098910.htm#fromView=search&page=1&position=6&uuid=7e8efa76-bb4e-4cdf-b5b7-6c80d4e3eb13">Image by freepik 11/18/2023 7 Comments Luck change to properties from 2024We are reaching the end of 2023, and soon approaching 2024. While the new year beckons, 2024 is also the year where we shift into a new luck period in period 9. In essence, this is a change in auspicious/inauspicious sectors in fengshui affecting our property. Anyone shifting or buying your next property during now to 2024 should take note. Even for existing home owners, you may likely observe a change in luck as you stay at your current property. Which one are you and how would it affect us and why? 2024 significance In 2024, other than it being the year of Dragon, there is also a shift in luck cycle. For those familiar with fengshui, it is a shift from period 8 (2004 to 2023) to period 9 (2024 to 2043). In layman’s term, 2024 is the start of a new luck cycle - each lasting 20 years. Each new luck cycle will influence:
To illustrate to point 2, the last 20 years (2004 - 2023) may have help influence good luck to home owners and this may turn neutral or even negative gradually from 2024. To give an example, what used to be our wealth luck sector in our home would change come 2024. How can we identify where is the new wealth sector in our home? In case you wonder, the luck would not operate like a switch and change immediately once we cross Lunar New Year. Hence, I mention a gradual change for those property affected. New home buyers should take note and why? For any home buyers buying property in last quarter of 2023, you would essentially be renovating your place in Q1 2024. Some may even commence reno from 2023 and continue reno post Lunar New Year during 2024. In my opinion, home buyers doing reno across the two zodiac years* needs to pay most attention to. This is because there are higher odds of clashes triggering negative luck. *Reno period from now till 4 Feb 2024 is define as Rabbit year and any time thereafter is Dragon year. That is why during each reno, fengshui practitioners usually provides auspicious date for reno works. This is to ensure smooth reno and to minimize any issues. During buying of property, we should then take into considerations how the new period (9) would influence our property. Therefore identifying of the auspicious sectors in our prospective homes are extremely important. One can filter properties during their buying process to identify auspicious homes that will prosper in period 9. Lastly, (potential) landed home owners should also take note. Should they face neighbors who are renovating, this can at times indirectly have an effect on you too. Existing home owners
For this group, the more concerning group would be those that have been enjoying relative smooth stay. Better still, perhaps, some home owners may have experience good luck upon staying at certain properties. It would be important then to observe any sudden change in occupants luck as we move into 2024 and onwards. Should the previous auspicious luck change into negative luck for property, you may observe sudden issues or incidents happening to home or occupants in relation to health or wealth matters. (Key tell tale signs are persistent loss of wealth or family members keep falling sick) If such issues do occur, it is recommended and of no harm to do a home feng shui audit to ensure property issues causing the influence is not due to property to identify the root cause. This is because, it could be due to inauspicious sectors sitting in key sectors within our home that are affecting home fengshui luck. Sometimes, too much of a coincidence really points to some reasons at play. Through the audit, least we can zoom in, if its property or individual luck that is causing issues. Sometimes, it could be a combi of both. On the same note, it is also important we know where are the new auspicious sectors in our property in period 9. This is especially useful to boost our luck in wealth and career. I hope with the article, it gives you a basic perspective of how 2024 may affect our property fengshui in the long run. Unsure or if you have any queries to your home fengshui? Do drop us a note below or to us. With that, I hereby wish all readers happy holidays in the festive season! Thanks for your support and drop me a note if you have any questions on your home feng shui. 9/14/2023 8 Comments Name Selection for Good LuckStrangely but not surprising, this month has seen more name selection and bazi reading cases. Since it is the 7th month, there is also usually lesser property fengshui cases. Anyway, am seeing younger parents and I receive many interesting questions during their name selection request. Alot were curious and wanted to know why some characters were chosen and not chosen. To share one example during a discussion, a parent wanted to use “天” for their baby born this year. Since “天” contains the radical "大" (big), this puts burden on the baby, Rabbits by nature are smaller and gentle by nature. They are unlike Tigers who are mightier and thus likes such characters. See the link? Why do I explain, you might wonder? Perhaps before sharing my FAQ I encountered, I wish to also share a personal story. During my youth days, I had the experience of going through a name selection with a feng shui practitioner. While young, somehow I was still puzzled and curious to see what name would be derived. I recall my name, date and time of birth was provided. Was told to wait for a week, and viola! Name was ready.. While looking at the name, a few sentiments came across.
I look at the new name provided and wondered how was this selected. It felt like a take it or leave it experience. As you guessed it, the name was not used. Discussion in the family left the conclusion that we felt no connection to the name at all. I also wished there were more choices. It was through the experience that made me wish for some inputs to make the experience better and able to use the name provided. Little did I know that, 1 day, this would form my thoughts when introducing such a service myself. Hence, I can understand how allowing choices of desired sounding name or character used. Likewise, some choices. My wish is to have parents to be or individuals to have higher chances of liking their new auspicious name given. OK, so much for the story.. Have you thought of getting a name changed? Or are you intending to select an auspicious name for your baby? Do read on to some of these FAQ and insights to name selection in case you wondered. How is name selection helpful to individuals? At its most basic, auspicious stroke count across the characters used in names are to be achieved to then help individuals. This has influence towards different stages in life (Young, Adulthood and Old age) through right name selection for the second and third characters in name. What are the considerations? Are the characters chosen only based on stroke count? Name selection has a few considerations. At its most basic, it looks at stroke count (typically known) to derive at an auspicious strokes combination. This is also used by most if not all practitioners. There are various other methodologies involved. We take into account your bazi. Using this, we study which 5 elements is best suited base on your bazi. Different persons using same auspicious name (assuming same surnames) would therefore have different luck due to elements compatibility. The zodiac could also be considered and we filter suitable characters with suitable radicals of characters used. For e.g. the year of Rabbit babies, 西 or similar radicals are not recommended. This is due to clash between Rooster and Rabbit in the 12 zodiac. Likewise, we like using characters with 口. This was due to is akin 口 to a hole for person with Rabbit zodiac to hide. This equates to having shelter and protected. (You can read up more on clashes here) Again, based on my observations, not all practitioners uses all these considerations. Can we share some preferred sounding characters? We actually encourage this. However, we do highlight that we will try our best to implement with no guarantee. This is due to desired sounding characters maybe not be suitable due to any of the 3 considerations (strokes or radical or element of character). Some families may also have pre-defined characters to be used in names through their 家谱. As such, these can be shared as reference for being used in name selection too. How would names selected have effect on person's luck? Perhaps Q1 answer, in a Chinese name, it influences our young, adult and old age for example. To add, as our surnames are pre-defined, it is our fate to be given either a favourable one or not. But how the names are selected can then be hopefully used to enhance to the best effect possible for individuals. How many set of names are given? Instead of just 1, we handpick 3 set of names based on feedback and preferences shared. From here, we try to get a sense of the preference and choose the auspicious names. Through here, the icing on the cake is to try having it unique sounding and nice sounding name. Hope you gain some insights with the above FAQ! Are you considering a name change or looking to select a name for your baby? Feel free to reach out to find out more!
Was doing a unit selection for one of the projects that is a new launch – The Reserve Residences. For those looking at new condo projects in the West, you just can’t miss this new launch, I guess. An integrated development at Upper Bukit Timah Road and Jalan Jurong Kechil, and integrated into Beauty World MRT. The 732 units development also has various amenities such as hawker center and good schools nearby. The list of its attractions goes on, but how about its fengshui? Let’s dive in quickly and I thought to share a couple of things on the project. For a start, the location of the site is conveniently connected. However, with the convenience, you would have to trade this for the buzz and traffic around the area. You would have to expect the area to be busy. Hence, those looking for a quieter and peaceful environment, you may wish to consider your choice of unit very carefully within the project. Even though the project is elevated, the lower floor units could still be susceptible to 声煞. Surrounding the development, it is connected with major busy roads or highway. This translates likely most stretches of its surrounding roads are with fast traffic passing by. To translate and explain into simple fengshui influence, this is deemed as “merciless water” and hence may pose a challenge where it is harder for the site to gather energy/qi or 聚气. This is slightly less ideal as we usually prefer a gentle flow in contrast. As property would be completed only in 2028, this property would hence be in period 9. This luck phase would last from 2024 to 2043. A few additional reasons why we would have to be more selective in units that are being chosen:
In terms of other areas such as external facing of property, do note some of units may receive poison arrow from surroundings within the project. In summary, it is more tricky to pick out a feng shui choice unit. There are other observations to the project though which I would only share the above. That said, there are still some good units to be picked from in the project. Personally, I would prefer some of units around block 23 with some of the selected layout. If you are unsure and require advice on picking a good fengshui unit, feel free to drop us a note. Happy house hunting! Recently, I had a chat with a customer enquiring on fengshui home selection services. Wishing to know more on fengshui for house selection, I answered and shared some of key fengshui aspects to look for. During the chat, I noticed however, that she seem to focus on property in the West (while she works in East). That was when I found out her previous fengshui master shared that she should only stay in the West as it is her favourable direction. Favourable Direction based on Your Bazi So, what is this favourable direction about? Is there any basis? In the world of Chinese Metaphysics, each direction does represent an element. (Refer to below for elements based on direction) Basing on my client’s favourable bazi element, a favourable direction is then derived. Hence, basing on your bazi, if your favourable element is Wood, then it is deem best you stay in the East. Should your favorable element be Fire then its best for you to stay in South. Practicality Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying the basis is incorrect. However, we need to apply a little bit of practicality in application. Using my client’s example, relocating to the West intentionally due to fengshui while you work in the East, may not seem so feasible. This is not to mention the daily (unnecessary) travel, which would be tiring. On another note, imagine if you are looking for a condo and you can only stay in the South. One may feel stressful even before staying in one. Why? This is given how it may not be a feasible economical option for all – considering how expensive most property would be in South. House Selection Process
We must ask ourselves, what is important in a property house fengshui? The key lies in the fundamental aspects – main door, bedrooms, kitchen, layout and external environment. So long as the property passes these requirements, it enjoys good fengshui. Any person staying in the house would receive the luck. Hence, we always recommend one to perform a feng shui house selection audit before committing. This is to ensure property has good or at least no bad fengshui to begin with. That is already half the battle won. Fengshui and its application is after all a science subject. But at times, it requires a bit of practicality too. At least in my humble opinion. Have questions on your property’s fengshui? Drop us a note and we would be more than happy to have a chat. Happy house hunting! As we hop into the year of Rabbit, are you expecting a bundle of joy this year? Or are you born under the Rabbit zodiac and wish to change a new name for better luck? This article aims to share some of the choices and what goes behind an auspicious name in year of Rabbit. What makes a good name? Broadly speaking, a name is build based on the: 1. person’s bazi 2. stroke count 3. zodiac That said, depending on different fengshui master, some may just use 1 or two of the criteria or all three. (You may wish to check with your fengshui master.) To give a flavor of what entails, characters are also handpicked manually as we need to consider the elements and radicals of the characters. This is due to the choices made are influence by a person's bazi and stroke count. The characters chosen also has to fit the strokes in totality of your entire name. As such, you can see it is a tedious process in coming up with an auspicious name alone! Enough of the technicality part. So let me now skip to the part on some of auspicious characters and what you should avoid for person born in the year of Rabbit. Auspicious characters/radicals for Year of Rabbit 艹 禾 米 Rabbits is actually wood in element in bazi and Chinese metaphysics context. They are also a plant eating herbivore animal. As such, having grass, hay, grains are best suited and with radicals such as 艹 or禾. It also is a form of way to bless them a lifetime of food. Characters: 萱 花 芳 茵 莉 菊 蓉 艺 秀 麦 程 亥 羊 Rabbits enjoy good relationship with goat and pig. As such, characters with similar radicals are suitable too. This implies a auspicious combination and support in life. Characters: 亥 家 毅 豪 祥 未 妹 羊 善 美 孩 朱 口 Rabbits stay in burrows and likes to have a place to hide. This is akin to being sheltered from danger. This also implies protection and blessing in life. Characters: 口 如 可 和 合 同 吉 容 富 唐 周 可 吴 问 氵冫水 Should bazi allow, water elements are also suitable. As Rabbit is under the wood element, it is harmonious to have a supportive element to wood. It signifies nobleman in one’s life and receive help. Characters: 冰 泳 冲 冯 清 法 湖 萍 津 凌 净 沈 泉 彡 系 巾 衣 Rabbits likes to have a nice coat of fur and often self-groom to look good. In using radicals 彡 or 巾 with clothing related characters in names, it is akin to having better influence to look good in life. Characters: 彩 彭 彦 维 绮 衣 彬 红 维 绮 细 素 Inauspicious characters/radicals for Year of Rabbit 日 Rabbit actually represents the moon and yin in nature. As such, it is best to avoid the sun which is yang and the opposite of moon. Using the character may increase odds of clashes with peers and relationship. Characters: 日 明 旺 晶 景 晴 星 曾 晨 普 时 金 As Rabbits are wood in nature, using radicals such as 金 or similar characters is to be avoided. This is due to the nature of five elements in Chinese metaphysics where metal attacks the wood. Characters to avoid: 金 锦 钱 铃 银 锋 铭 钰 王 大 Rabbits are generally small and a gentle animal. As part of their natural character, they prefer to be peaceful. Using characters related to king usually implies otherwise and it also signifies an imbalance. Characters to avoid: 王 玮 玛 环 玉 珲 莹 琴 夷 奕 奇 酉 In the Chinese zodiac, the Rooster forms a natural clash to the Rabbit. As such, it is best to avoid such characters that forms a natural clashing combination. This would help to minimize any clash and improves one’s luck. Characters to avoid: 酉 鸡 西 凤 凰 翔 酝 心 忄 Along the theory of Rabbit being herbivore, they dislike meat as their food. It also implied being hunt and is less auspicious in one’s name if you are born under the Rabbit zodiac. Similarly, radicals such as 忄or 心 are to be avoided. Characters to avoid: 心 思 怀 怡 恬 息 悦 志 恩 Hopefully the given list of examples gives you some idea and guidance during your journey to crafting an auspicious name!
The list is not exhaustive as there are some other radicals or characters to be avoided or auspicious to be used. End result is to ideally fit all mentioned criteria plus coming up with a nice sounding name to give the person to boost one’s luck in life. Till then, here’s wishing you an Awesome and Prosperous Lunar New Year in the year of the water Rabbit in 2023! Needing luck or not to help one succeed is a very debatable subject. Which camp do you belong to? Yes/no? Being in the line of destiny reading and delving into the unknowns of the Chinese Metaphysics world, I feel there is definitely a thing on luck. You can work smart/hard but to go further, you need something extra. Where is this leading, you think? Well, I chanced upon the headline (as above) and wonder if luck made that much of a difference (for him)? Besides knowing him as Google’s ex-CEO, I knew that he is the top 100 richest man in the world. (Ok, I googled it.) What is in Eric Schmidt’s bazi chart that makes him different? Does he really have it that good? Eric Schimidt's Bazi In black circle is the day master. Based on his bazi structure, he is also a weak day master. Hence, fire is his useful god. Something interesting to note here - you can see how being "weak" does not mean bad. To make it easy, I've also highlighted in green box that are Eric Schmidt's favourable elements - wood, fire and earth. And the luck pillar (十年大运), did he had the luck? Similarly, the green box denotes his good luck phase. Again, it is those that is wood, fire and earth. Importantly, he goes through these favourable times during his peak of his life. Yes, this is more than 40 years of good luck in general especially to his career - at the right time from 27 to 60s. Just so you know, a person can take 10 to 20 years to make it big and become a millionaire – if your bazi supports your luck pillar. Fire is his lucky element Something to also note on fire being very important ingredient (useful god) to his rise. He became the CEO to Novell – 1997, a fire ox 丁丑 year. He became the CEO of Google – 2001, a metal snake 辛巳year. (Snake represents fire element) He was an architecture student before switching to electrical engineering. Electrical field represents fire element. Software and internet technology are of fire element. Coincidence? Still thinking if luck can bring the wind in your sail? You decide. Curious about your luck in life and career, drop us a note to find out more on your bazi. 8/23/2022 5 Comments Piermont Grand Fengshui ReviewPiermont Grand is a new condo that is likely to receive TOP in early 2023. With 820 units, it is located by the waterway area, with also the Sungei Punggol nearby. It is also near Punggol Central at Sumang Walk. Of course, part of considerations may be if units have good fengshui. In this article, would like to share some personal observations while conducting an fengshui audit. 1. Water surrounding the site, does that translate to better wealth? If you observe from the surrounding, the site runs along the path of water way linking to the Sungei Punggol River. Although the typical saying is 见水为财 (seeing water is good for wealth), but this is a very general way of saying. The formation of flow and surrounding must support in order for property to harness the wealth qi to benefit the occupant. Hence, I would like to point out that there is no significant landscape formation that elevates the site given its location. This is usually the mark of difference separating between average to one with strong wealth luck. Not to worry, as in the later part of article, I would share if there are other merits from the project. 2. What is the main facing of your stack? There are broadly speaking 4 different main facing based on the site plans. (Refer to site plan categorization) All stacks have a NS or NE or SW facing depending on which side you are facing. The good thing is most of blocks are highly likely North South facing. ( Highlighted in Cyan, Red and Yellow ) The only exception is for those in Navy blue. These blocks either faces to NE or SW. Buyers would be thinking if this is good given this is not your usual popular orientation. The good news is, there are potentially some very good units in these NE or SW facing stacks. In fact, some of these units may have even better luck than some of NS facing units. This is especially applicable to those facing SW. With the right luck activation, occupants can enjoy very good luck. 3. What to note of the external? Fengshui is always about managing the internal and external environment. The most notable ones where there are some shq qi caused by external environment. Some of stacks that potentially maybe affected include stack 7, 9, 13, 23, 26, 42 and 48. (Can refer to the areas identified on map.) Of course if possible, it is best to avoid. However, depending on how severe the sha qi is presented, it does not mean that there would be bad luck daily. Each shq qi encountered should be reviewed as it may impact us on certain years or period in time. This is usually identified during on site observation or can be studied through the site plan as highlighted here. 4. Which stacks are then better?
If I were to pick a choice unit, that would be only at blk 28 at stack 14. Else it would be 1 of units facing SW highlighted in point 2. These are units enjoying favourable facing and/or with good internal fengshui in this projects. As this is a sharing of opinions on the project, we try to keep it concise and did not go into floorplans review sharing here. If you do have questions to your unit or are looking to enhance your property’s feng shui, feel free to drop me a message. |
CategoriesAll 2020 Zodiac Forecast Bazi Bto Selection Career Case Study Celebrities Cesarean Birth CNY Condo Selection Date Selection Death Fu Yin House Fengshui Love Name Selection Relationship Spouse Element Wealth Zodiac Forecast AuthorFounded Feng Shui Discovery Consulting in Singapore, Gibson has keen interest and carries out various research in the subject. Archives
December 2024
CategoriesAll 2020 Zodiac Forecast Bazi Bto Selection Career Case Study Celebrities Cesarean Birth CNY Condo Selection Date Selection Death Fu Yin House Fengshui Love Name Selection Relationship Spouse Element Wealth Zodiac Forecast |