1/31/2019 0 Comments Name Selection and the 12 ZodiacsWhen it comes to name selection, most would know commonly about counting of strokes derived from the Chinese characters used in name. But do you know in the art of name selection, your zodiac has influences on what character to be used? Since we are ushering in the year of Pig, I shall share some of these considerations here. (This is useful for you if you are expecting a baby to be born this year. Or should you or your family is born under the year of Pig, you may find this to your interest too.) For a start, let's look at the characteristics and nature of Pig. The Pig zodiac is a domestic animal and one that feeds on plants and rice. Those born under this zodiac are usually generous. It generally has a higher chance of success in life. It is also under the water element (亥) in bazi. It enjoys the night and fears the day. If you are rear in a home, you are likely to be better taken care of vs those in the wild, albeit more carefree. More often than not, pigs are commonly used for consumption and in the old days, used as part of offerings. You must be wondering why this description? Actually, this forms as part of the connection and if I may add in a meaningful way to how we choose or not choose characters to be used in the name. What is the recommended characters then for those born in the year of Pig? Characters that contains plants or feeds such as 米, 豆, 田, 木 can be considered as this symbolizes a life without worry with abundance of food. Wood also refers to trees and pig can seek shelter and be comfortable. Words with doors or ‘ceiling’ in (e.g. 宀) such as 家 can also be considered as it would mean protected and sheltered. As the Pig zodiac is under the water element, characters with water (氵) relation is also suitable. Words typically like 津, 浩, 游 or even子 are ok. 子 actually represents the Rat zodiac and is part of water element and therefore its suitable to give a few examples. How about words not recommended? This can be based on some of below sharing. Why is there fear during the day time? During the day, this is usually the time where it faces the butcher… and you know what happens next. As such, under the Pig zodiac, we usually do not wish to have a 日 or 火 in the name. Another area to note is to avoid words (e.g. 彡 or 衣) in your name. Examples are 彩, 彦, 彬 or 装. Why? In the past, pigs get 'decorated' when they are offered for prayers as sacrifices. Even nowadays during wedding, it is normal to see roast pigs as part of the wedding offerings with simple decoration. So it is preferred to not name clothings or colors for those under the Pig zodiac. Reason being one may find being short changed in life. In bazi studies, pig clashes with the snake zodiac. As such, we also do not recommend characters such as 远 道. Reason being parts like (辶) represent snake. Likewise, 巳 is not recommended as this represent snake which clashes with pig in bazi studies.
The above shared only offers some of parts considered during a name selection. This forms as part of a tedious process during the name selection process. Other areas include ensuring correct stokes count, which is then complemented against one’s bazi chart to have the best name selected. To sidetrack, through my observation, most parents actually may already have a preferred sounding character but unsure of character to use. (This is of course on top of a more unique name for their child.) Thus through allowing an indicated preference sounding character, we can try to increase the odds of match to parents or the person's preference. You may read up on our auspicious name selection service here. This is then matched to achieve a unique combination to form a distinct name one can have. I hope you enjoy reading this article with some insights into name selection and understand better the overview of the name selection process. With that, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all readers 新年发大财,猪年行大运!
We are presently in the last lunar month of the dog year – the ox month. The ox month is the last month of each year, which then we would start off with the tiger month in spring during CNY. Usually when dog, ox and ram meet together, it usually is not a good sign. If found in a birth bazi chart, the person likely meet obstacle in life. Importantly, this can also be used in our daily lives and observed what happened around us. Just in January alone, there have been negative and tragic news happening over last 2 weekends on Saturday. The latest being in Brazil, where a dam mine had collapsed and nearly 300 people went missing. The thing about this incident was the timing. This happened at between 1pm-3pm. In Chinese metaphysics, 1pm-3pm represents the 未hour. During 未 hour this month, there is an earth penalty combination of未+戌+丑 which usually has a few significance. It carries the meaning of imprisonment, bullying and at times, with hidden danger related to earth matters when the combination happens. The connection we can also see over here is the winter month of Ox. Ox (丑) month has the hidden stems of earth, metal and water. With the arrival of dog day and ram hour, the comniation is complete and the misfortune happened at around 1pm (未 hour) when the dam burst. Noted the things are all related to what is in Ox month. The Ox month (per picture below) has a hidden stem where it contains metal (mine), water (the dam) and earth with imprisonment (people trapped and missing). Believe it or not, bazi can sometimes provide a hint or two to us when things happened. As such, it is often why we may also choose a better timing to carry out significant matters or at the least avoid bad timings. This applies to our birthdates and thus why people use date selection for birth of their newborn baby. For those whom maybe born with bazi having dog, ox and ram zodiac (any 2 out of 3 pointed out), would be best to be cautious too during this month if you are carrying out any significant matters. 1/13/2019 0 Comments Work Commencement Dates 2019!We are just slightly over 2 weeks from the year of the Pig now! Of course, with the CNY, you need to plan your leave or simply wish to know which is the best day to start work, right?
Here we go... may your new work year be prosperous and have a smooth year ahead! Welcome to 2019 and we would soon be ushering in the zodiac year of the Pig! If you may not be familiar, this would happen on the 4 Feb 2019 at 11:16am onwards. This means the luck of the Pig year will commence from this time. Importantly, if you are born from this time onwards, your zodiac is considered under year of Pig. Those born e.g. 4 Feb 2019 with time of say 11am or 10am is still considered as under the year of Dog zodiac. This is to avoid any confusion and most importantly, this affects your child’s bazi. Given that this is an earth pig year, this is represented by the 己亥 and this would be our main interest. (as under the year column) What 己亥means is that earth is over water. In bazi and fengshui of the 5 elements, earth counters and attack water. As such, imagine the water being controlled and becomes resistant with wave and clashes. This applies to the year where change and unrest would be expected. In the chart, fire is strong which also represents fire related industry would fare well this year. Think telcos, petrol, food related (F&B) or oil related industry. On the other hand, earth element is slightly weak and so do expect property or construction related industry to underperform in the market. Likewise, metal is weak too for the year. Sectors under metal industry such as engineering, banking, insurance or military would face a tougher year. Those whom are looking for new jobs, may wish to note the above for this year or check your bazi before making decision. The Pig year is the beginning of the water/winter season, followed by the Rat year in 2020. Those whose bazi favour water will surely enjoy good luck this period. Naturally, if your bazi favours fire, it would be best to lay low for this period. On the macro aspect, the arrival of the water years in 2019 and 2020 may coincide with the stock market’s run. Year 2019 may be a turning point where since 2018 we may have already seen the best of the stock market. As such, best to reduce one’s stakes and pay attention to not get caught if the bear market arrives. Here’s hoping you would have a great year in 2019 and best wishes! Image Credits: <a href='https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/pig-and-lanterns-chinese-new-year-banner_3530602.htm'>Designed by Freepik</a> |
CategoriesAll 2020 Zodiac Forecast Bazi Bto Selection Career Case Study Celebrities Cesarean Birth CNY Condo Selection Date Selection Death Fu Yin House Fengshui Love Name Selection Relationship Spouse Element Wealth Zodiac Forecast AuthorFounded Feng Shui Discovery Consulting in Singapore, Gibson has keen interest and carries out various research in the subject. Archives
January 2025
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