The Dragon zodiac, the leader, mystic and auspicious zodiac. Being majestic, more babies are usually born during Dragon year. Are you expecting a Dragon baby this year? What are the considerations you should make in having an auspicious name in year of Dragon? What makes a good name? Consider the baby or person’s bazi. This is due to the influences of the elements which can be considered. In this area, you would need to have a good understand of bazi. This is to allow you to ascertain the strength and season of bazi. Stoke count is another component. Finally, the year zodiac person is born in. Today, let’s explore what then are suitable characters then for an auspicious names. Ancient times, our Chinese characters are formed by different radicals and based on real life forms. Hence, there are some basis or link to 5 elements context. Some of the suitable radicals and characters: 氵, 水 Dragon loves water. In fact, in bazi, Dragon forms part of three harmony combo with Rat and Monkey to form water. As such, it is 1 of the elements that is favored in name. Suitable characters: 泳,冰,淋,洁,海,滢,清,霞,雷,雾 子,申 Since Dragon is in harmony with Rat and Monkey, characters linked to the said zodiac are favourable too. Suitable characters: 子,字,孜,孟,袁,享,承,审,侯,申 王,大,主 Being the leader and majestic, radicals representing king are favourable. In case you are wondering, in the old days, servants call their owners 主子. Hence, 主is one of radicals/characters usable. Suitable characters: 王,珍,珠,玉,玲,环,天,添,太,柱 天,星,云,日,月 Being a celestial animal, it belongs to heaven and soar majestically in the sky. Names with associated radicals or characters support the zodiac’s environment and hence auspicious. Suitable characters: 天,有,胜,胡,望,晶,明,晓,春,显 Let’s also look at some of the inauspicious characters and radicals that should not be used. 戌,犭,犬 Commonly known, in the 12 zodiacs, Dragon clashes with Dog. As such, radicals or characters represent Dog should never be used. Unsuitable characters: 成,诚,茂,状,猛,献,威,威 口 口 represents the form of a hole and this creates a trapped feeling for Dragon. As such, names should avoid any of such radical or character font. Unsuitable characters: 如,向, 享, 合,和,吴,吾,问, 台, 名,味 宀 Contrary to smaller zodiacs, Dragon dislike any shelter sorts of radical. This has similar effect of being trapped. Majestic zodiac like Dragon prefers to soar in the sky. Unsuitable characters: 家,宏,宗, 富, 宝,宣,安,寅,宁,宾,宛,冠 辶, 廴,巳 In physical form, Dragon and Snake has similarity. However, Dragon does not like being mistaken as Snake. Radicals being used should take note and avoid where necessary. Unsuitable characters: 建,进,追,连,运,达,之,芝 人, 彳 Human and Dragon belongs to two different realms. Should radicals or characters of人,彳be used, it lowers the status of Dragon with lesser help to social standing. Unsuitable characters: 徐,仁,人,俩,信,仿,微,径,任 Chinese have a saying "赐子千金, 不如教子一艺, 教子一艺, 不如赐子好名". The thoughts behind this was, giving wealth to children, we rather teach our children the means to earn a living. Yet, teaching the means for a living, we rather give a good name. And it is not just a good name, but a name with auspiciousness that follows us for life. Bonus tip: Surnames are by default based on the family we are born into. Certain surnames are therefore also more advantages and will provide extra luck. Some of following surnames that are more auspicious for Dragon are: 李,洪,王,梁,沈,孙,潘,冯 In summary, important radicals and characters are only part of equation – not only based on stroke counts. Practitioner also has to ensure the name has a nice tone to it to elevate the name. The final piece of balancing is matching to individual’s bazi to harmonize the selection. Only then, we can considered the name well crafted.
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9/14/2023 8 Comments Name Selection for Good LuckStrangely but not surprising, this month has seen more name selection and bazi reading cases. Since it is the 7th month, there is also usually lesser property fengshui cases. Anyway, am seeing younger parents and I receive many interesting questions during their name selection request. Alot were curious and wanted to know why some characters were chosen and not chosen. To share one example during a discussion, a parent wanted to use “天” for their baby born this year. Since “天” contains the radical "大" (big), this puts burden on the baby, Rabbits by nature are smaller and gentle by nature. They are unlike Tigers who are mightier and thus likes such characters. See the link? Why do I explain, you might wonder? Perhaps before sharing my FAQ I encountered, I wish to also share a personal story. During my youth days, I had the experience of going through a name selection with a feng shui practitioner. While young, somehow I was still puzzled and curious to see what name would be derived. I recall my name, date and time of birth was provided. Was told to wait for a week, and viola! Name was ready.. While looking at the name, a few sentiments came across.
I look at the new name provided and wondered how was this selected. It felt like a take it or leave it experience. As you guessed it, the name was not used. Discussion in the family left the conclusion that we felt no connection to the name at all. I also wished there were more choices. It was through the experience that made me wish for some inputs to make the experience better and able to use the name provided. Little did I know that, 1 day, this would form my thoughts when introducing such a service myself. Hence, I can understand how allowing choices of desired sounding name or character used. Likewise, some choices. My wish is to have parents to be or individuals to have higher chances of liking their new auspicious name given. OK, so much for the story.. Have you thought of getting a name changed? Or are you intending to select an auspicious name for your baby? Do read on to some of these FAQ and insights to name selection in case you wondered. How is name selection helpful to individuals? At its most basic, auspicious stroke count across the characters used in names are to be achieved to then help individuals. This has influence towards different stages in life (Young, Adulthood and Old age) through right name selection for the second and third characters in name. What are the considerations? Are the characters chosen only based on stroke count? Name selection has a few considerations. At its most basic, it looks at stroke count (typically known) to derive at an auspicious strokes combination. This is also used by most if not all practitioners. There are various other methodologies involved. We take into account your bazi. Using this, we study which 5 elements is best suited base on your bazi. Different persons using same auspicious name (assuming same surnames) would therefore have different luck due to elements compatibility. The zodiac could also be considered and we filter suitable characters with suitable radicals of characters used. For e.g. the year of Rabbit babies, 西 or similar radicals are not recommended. This is due to clash between Rooster and Rabbit in the 12 zodiac. Likewise, we like using characters with 口. This was due to is akin 口 to a hole for person with Rabbit zodiac to hide. This equates to having shelter and protected. (You can read up more on clashes here) Again, based on my observations, not all practitioners uses all these considerations. Can we share some preferred sounding characters? We actually encourage this. However, we do highlight that we will try our best to implement with no guarantee. This is due to desired sounding characters maybe not be suitable due to any of the 3 considerations (strokes or radical or element of character). Some families may also have pre-defined characters to be used in names through their 家谱. As such, these can be shared as reference for being used in name selection too. How would names selected have effect on person's luck? Perhaps Q1 answer, in a Chinese name, it influences our young, adult and old age for example. To add, as our surnames are pre-defined, it is our fate to be given either a favourable one or not. But how the names are selected can then be hopefully used to enhance to the best effect possible for individuals. How many set of names are given? Instead of just 1, we handpick 3 set of names based on feedback and preferences shared. From here, we try to get a sense of the preference and choose the auspicious names. Through here, the icing on the cake is to try having it unique sounding and nice sounding name. Hope you gain some insights with the above FAQ! Are you considering a name change or looking to select a name for your baby? Feel free to reach out to find out more!
As we hop into the year of Rabbit, are you expecting a bundle of joy this year? Or are you born under the Rabbit zodiac and wish to change a new name for better luck? This article aims to share some of the choices and what goes behind an auspicious name in year of Rabbit. What makes a good name? Broadly speaking, a name is build based on the: 1. person’s bazi 2. stroke count 3. zodiac That said, depending on different fengshui master, some may just use 1 or two of the criteria or all three. (You may wish to check with your fengshui master.) To give a flavor of what entails, characters are also handpicked manually as we need to consider the elements and radicals of the characters. This is due to the choices made are influence by a person's bazi and stroke count. The characters chosen also has to fit the strokes in totality of your entire name. As such, you can see it is a tedious process in coming up with an auspicious name alone! Enough of the technicality part. So let me now skip to the part on some of auspicious characters and what you should avoid for person born in the year of Rabbit. Auspicious characters/radicals for Year of Rabbit 艹 禾 米 Rabbits is actually wood in element in bazi and Chinese metaphysics context. They are also a plant eating herbivore animal. As such, having grass, hay, grains are best suited and with radicals such as 艹 or禾. It also is a form of way to bless them a lifetime of food. Characters: 萱 花 芳 茵 莉 菊 蓉 艺 秀 麦 程 亥 羊 Rabbits enjoy good relationship with goat and pig. As such, characters with similar radicals are suitable too. This implies a auspicious combination and support in life. Characters: 亥 家 毅 豪 祥 未 妹 羊 善 美 孩 朱 口 Rabbits stay in burrows and likes to have a place to hide. This is akin to being sheltered from danger. This also implies protection and blessing in life. Characters: 口 如 可 和 合 同 吉 容 富 唐 周 可 吴 问 氵冫水 Should bazi allow, water elements are also suitable. As Rabbit is under the wood element, it is harmonious to have a supportive element to wood. It signifies nobleman in one’s life and receive help. Characters: 冰 泳 冲 冯 清 法 湖 萍 津 凌 净 沈 泉 彡 系 巾 衣 Rabbits likes to have a nice coat of fur and often self-groom to look good. In using radicals 彡 or 巾 with clothing related characters in names, it is akin to having better influence to look good in life. Characters: 彩 彭 彦 维 绮 衣 彬 红 维 绮 细 素 Inauspicious characters/radicals for Year of Rabbit 日 Rabbit actually represents the moon and yin in nature. As such, it is best to avoid the sun which is yang and the opposite of moon. Using the character may increase odds of clashes with peers and relationship. Characters: 日 明 旺 晶 景 晴 星 曾 晨 普 时 金 As Rabbits are wood in nature, using radicals such as 金 or similar characters is to be avoided. This is due to the nature of five elements in Chinese metaphysics where metal attacks the wood. Characters to avoid: 金 锦 钱 铃 银 锋 铭 钰 王 大 Rabbits are generally small and a gentle animal. As part of their natural character, they prefer to be peaceful. Using characters related to king usually implies otherwise and it also signifies an imbalance. Characters to avoid: 王 玮 玛 环 玉 珲 莹 琴 夷 奕 奇 酉 In the Chinese zodiac, the Rooster forms a natural clash to the Rabbit. As such, it is best to avoid such characters that forms a natural clashing combination. This would help to minimize any clash and improves one’s luck. Characters to avoid: 酉 鸡 西 凤 凰 翔 酝 心 忄 Along the theory of Rabbit being herbivore, they dislike meat as their food. It also implied being hunt and is less auspicious in one’s name if you are born under the Rabbit zodiac. Similarly, radicals such as 忄or 心 are to be avoided. Characters to avoid: 心 思 怀 怡 恬 息 悦 志 恩 Hopefully the given list of examples gives you some idea and guidance during your journey to crafting an auspicious name!
The list is not exhaustive as there are some other radicals or characters to be avoided or auspicious to be used. End result is to ideally fit all mentioned criteria plus coming up with a nice sounding name to give the person to boost one’s luck in life. Till then, here’s wishing you an Awesome and Prosperous Lunar New Year in the year of the water Rabbit in 2023! Welcome to the new year 2022 – the year of the Tiger! Most of you would have heard before on name selection and choosing suitable characters. What is the logic? Is it just some myths? My aim today is to share with you on some of these areas. If you are expecting a Tiger baby, this article would be useful for you to know. With that, what names are favourable for those born in the year of the Tiger? Let’s look at some of the considerations and interesting info that you may not know. Interesting Fact: Tiger is a brave leader. Courageous, strong and roams in the mountainous area or jungle. They can be a little reckless at times and they are carnivore and hunt for food. Among the 12 zodiacs, they are also friends with other zodiacs such as Horse and Dog. They also dislike Monkey and Snake. This 12 zodiac relationship is actually part of 八字 fundamentals used in our destiny reading. Using these, it forms part of the knowledge and application towards Chinese name selection. In this article, I will show you some of the characters you can consider and should avoid in name selection for your baby. Favourable characters and radicals to consider for Tiger: 王, 大,君 Being the king and leader, these characters are suited for the Tigers. This enhances the luck of the Tiger to gain leadership and being the leader. 王, 玉, 玲, 珍, 环, 群, 太,天,添,旺, 环,琳,玮,琪, 珊 木,山,林 This is the Tiger’s natural habitat and would give comfort and protect the Tiger. 木, 林、森,树,琳, 柏,根,梁, 柔,岳,山,峰, 松,柞 午,戌 These are characters representing Horse and Dog. As friends, it brings allies, support and nobleman luck for Tiger. Horse also represents fire with Tiger being wood. This also forms a smooth flow of energy between Tiger and Horse. 许,武, 威,成,盛,城,冯,马,烈, 杰,丙,炳,炎,献 心,肉,月 These characters or radicals represent food and ensures an abundance in luck and not have to worry on food. 朋, 月,有,望, 惠,慧,恩,思, 志,忠,意, 悬 氵, 冫, 水 Tiger’s element in bazi is wood. With prescense of water, it signify nobleman luck and growth to the Tiger. 沈,净,冰,汃,冲,深,温,洪,鸿,浩,洲,洋,泳, 洁,凌 How about characters that are to be avoided by Tigers? 门,口 Tigers prefer to roam. With these radicals, it carries the meaning of trap and loss of freedom. 间,国,园,因,团,圆,和,如,古,名,吉,吕,知 辶,廴,虫 The radical represents Snake. In bazi and zodiac context, there is a clash against Tiger and represents potential harm. 过,逊,连,进,速,建,廷,庭,近,选 日,光 Tigers natural time to be active is at night. As such, they dislike day light and also it may mean being at risk of hunted. 日,晶,旺,星,晴,明,,晓,智,耀,光 申 The character represents Monkey in zodiac and bazi. It also represents a direct clash to Tiger and hence it is best to avoid. 申,绅,坤,伸, 侯 人,彳 Similarly, Tigers do not like being control by human. As such, names should avoid having any of the listed radicals or characters. 人,从,健,伟,伦,伊,佩,信,俏,侨,仕,何,保,微, 德, 律 The list of auspicious characters and radicals to be used and those to be avoided are not limited to these shown. This is not an exhaustive list of it. But I hope it gives you an idea a guide if you are picking a name for your baby. By the way, using the above, you may notice Tiger babies born under the following surname are therefore more suited.
林,王,马,许,沈,冯,炎,洪,温 With that, here’s wishing you a year of abundance in the year 2022 and 虎年行大运!Happy Lunar New Year! 1/28/2021 0 Comments Name Selection in the year of OxAs we usher in the Ox year, parents expecting their baby born this year would need to brainstorm on one precious gift for their newborn. This gift which would likely stick to them for life – a good name! Thing is, what should we look out for when we think of an auspicious name? Typically, Singaporeans have a preference for more unique and a nice sounding name. Through this article, you would be able to understand better in what goes behind in a good name for those born in the year of Ox. The 12 zodiacs and basis of bazi study in name selection Ox is 2nd among the order of the 12 zodiacs. In the study of bazi and within these 12 zodiacs, it is important to note that there are some zodiacs that the Ox prefers and dislikes. For a start, Ox are good with Snake and Rooster. These 3 animals form a harmony combi called 三合. Another combination that the Ox like is with the Rat and Pig called 三会. On the opposite camp, they dislike the Goat, Horse and Dog. This is due to their direct clash or punishment combi nature when put together. In bazi terms, we term them as 相冲,相刑, 相害. In bazi context, Ox (丑) is actually an earthly branch which contains water. Hence it is beneficial to have metal. The two elements would ensure support as metal supports water. This is derived from the character of 丑. If you think of it, coincidentally, Ox and water are always closely related. On the contrary, they dislike fire. Think fire and you equate to under the hot sun (fire) and working hard. What do we also know about Ox? Ox is a hardworking and dependable animal that feed on grains and preferably sheltered (vs working in the farm). They are often also served as sacrificial offerings. They can also be hunted by other animals being herbivorous. From here, we derived part of the list on auspicious and inauspicious characters that we should pay attention to. Auspicious Characters Favourable for Ox 1. Characters with 辶 or 酉 远, 运, 凤, 飞,鸾,鸣,迈,泽,莺, 通, 庭, 强, 莲 These are characters contains radical to Snake or Rooster. As written earlier, these zodiacs form a harmony combi with Ox and hence are auspicious. 2. Characters with 子 or 亥 孔,字, 孝, 孟, 孩, 季, 孙, 子, 豪, 濠, 承, 永 These are characters contains radical Rat or Pig. These zodiacs form the winter season earthly branches and are a good combi with Ox and hence are auspicious. 3. Characters with 宀 家, 定, 宏, 宜, 庭, 沈, 宋, 富 Having characters with this radical symbols person would have a shelter. This also implies comfort and somewhere to hide out from danger. Similar to Ox working in the field or being sheltered from sun, you can imagine which has a possible better life. 4. Characters with 氵 洪, 洁, 添, 江, 潘, 温, 泉, 汤, 法, 济, 清 Ox is associated with water and belongs to the winter season. As such, it is auspicious to have characters picked containing water. Characters to Avoid for Ox 5. Characters with 午 or 未 洋, 美, 祥, 羲, 幸, 群, 妹, 许,驰, 冯,骏, 南 The indicative characters contains the Horse or Goat radicals. As such, these creates direct conflict towards the Ox hence best to avoid. Interesting Fact: In general, the South direction (南) also represents Fire which is in conflict with the Ox. 6. Characters with 戌 威, 武, 我, 城, 成, 盛 , 戈,戌, 犬, 戴 Similarly, the above characters contains radicals similar to dog. Dog is also part of the punishment combi and hence should be avoided. 7. Characters with 日 or 山 智, 明, 景, 日, 昌, 晶, 岳, 仙, 汕 The sun implies hard work and heat which is in conflict with Ox preference for water. Mountain contains danger and is not a natural habitat environment. Usually danger and threats lurk in the mountain. There are usually less food compared to a field where the Ox grazes. 8. Characters with 王 or 玉 珍、理、珠, 环, 王, 瑜,玮, 瑩, 宝 王 stands for the king. The co-relation is usually for the Ox to become the sacrificial offerings and usually at the mercy. Hence, it is quite self explanatory why it is to be avoided. 9. Characters with 彡 or “巾”、“衣” 彤, 彬, 彩, 彦, 希, 麦, 帮,常 Character containing these represents colors and thereby means being sacrificial offerings. In the old days, the offerings are often deck in colors and decorated. This is similar to point 8 to why we should avoid the characters with these radicals listed. If you are sharp eye enough, you may notice something among the words to avoid or that are auspicious. Some are actually surnames and it means if the baby born with such surnames would be able to benefit from it more. Favourable Surname for Ox: 李, 郑, 洪, 江, 孙,温, 宋, 沈, 黄, 郭,游,张,田,梁 Less Favourable Surname for Ox: 朱,杨, 许,成,马,徐,冯,章, 姜、狄 This is also based on the principles of bazi and due to conflicts of energy. Should someone be born under a favourable surname, there is certainly a better advantage and head start at young age too. But that said, there is nothing we can do about our surname. It is about a matter of focusing what we can do to put ourselves in an advantage position in the art of name selection. In the selection of an auspicious name, the above listed are not exhaustive. There are actually other categories not listed (favourable or those to be avoided). Not to forget, there is also consideration of stroke count. This is to ensure the baby or person's name is auspicious based on the 五格吉凶表 and others areas to consider. Part of a challenge to selecting an auspicious name is to ensure other than the right characters, the name should have a nice ring to it. Finally, you may also wish to check if the feng shui master can try to work within some preferred characters submitted. Some do have such practices, while some may not. Of course, the last thing parents (or individuals) want, is to get a name which they do not like. So this option if available is really beneficial. However as with all things, there is no guarantee that the preferred characters is always useable or auspicious. I hope you enjoy this article which gives some insights into how name selection comes about. Also, some of the methodology that are based on bazi studies to allow you to appreciate the discussed areas of name selection. This not only applies to baby name selection but also for anyone born under the zodiac year of Ox.
Over here, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Prosperous and Happy Lunar New Year in year of Ox! 1/31/2019 0 Comments Name Selection and the 12 ZodiacsWhen it comes to name selection, most would know commonly about counting of strokes derived from the Chinese characters used in name. But do you know in the art of name selection, your zodiac has influences on what character to be used? Since we are ushering in the year of Pig, I shall share some of these considerations here. (This is useful for you if you are expecting a baby to be born this year. Or should you or your family is born under the year of Pig, you may find this to your interest too.) For a start, let's look at the characteristics and nature of Pig. The Pig zodiac is a domestic animal and one that feeds on plants and rice. Those born under this zodiac are usually generous. It generally has a higher chance of success in life. It is also under the water element (亥) in bazi. It enjoys the night and fears the day. If you are rear in a home, you are likely to be better taken care of vs those in the wild, albeit more carefree. More often than not, pigs are commonly used for consumption and in the old days, used as part of offerings. You must be wondering why this description? Actually, this forms as part of the connection and if I may add in a meaningful way to how we choose or not choose characters to be used in the name. What is the recommended characters then for those born in the year of Pig? Characters that contains plants or feeds such as 米, 豆, 田, 木 can be considered as this symbolizes a life without worry with abundance of food. Wood also refers to trees and pig can seek shelter and be comfortable. Words with doors or ‘ceiling’ in (e.g. 宀) such as 家 can also be considered as it would mean protected and sheltered. As the Pig zodiac is under the water element, characters with water (氵) relation is also suitable. Words typically like 津, 浩, 游 or even子 are ok. 子 actually represents the Rat zodiac and is part of water element and therefore its suitable to give a few examples. How about words not recommended? This can be based on some of below sharing. Why is there fear during the day time? During the day, this is usually the time where it faces the butcher… and you know what happens next. As such, under the Pig zodiac, we usually do not wish to have a 日 or 火 in the name. Another area to note is to avoid words (e.g. 彡 or 衣) in your name. Examples are 彩, 彦, 彬 or 装. Why? In the past, pigs get 'decorated' when they are offered for prayers as sacrifices. Even nowadays during wedding, it is normal to see roast pigs as part of the wedding offerings with simple decoration. So it is preferred to not name clothings or colors for those under the Pig zodiac. Reason being one may find being short changed in life. In bazi studies, pig clashes with the snake zodiac. As such, we also do not recommend characters such as 远 道. Reason being parts like (辶) represent snake. Likewise, 巳 is not recommended as this represent snake which clashes with pig in bazi studies.
The above shared only offers some of parts considered during a name selection. This forms as part of a tedious process during the name selection process. Other areas include ensuring correct stokes count, which is then complemented against one’s bazi chart to have the best name selected. To sidetrack, through my observation, most parents actually may already have a preferred sounding character but unsure of character to use. (This is of course on top of a more unique name for their child.) Thus through allowing an indicated preference sounding character, we can try to increase the odds of match to parents or the person's preference. You may read up on our auspicious name selection service here. This is then matched to achieve a unique combination to form a distinct name one can have. I hope you enjoy reading this article with some insights into name selection and understand better the overview of the name selection process. With that, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all readers 新年发大财,猪年行大运! |
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