Typically, home buyers who has some basic knowledge of Fengshui would know the 3 key areas for property. In case if you may not be aware, main door being most important with bedrooms and kitchen stove location. Today, I would like to share with readers another area that maybe less thought of. You may be thinking as if the 3 key areas are not enough considerations... Yes, it is hard to get a good fengshui house. (As such, you can tell it really is not a simple business to getting a good fengshui property). Cutting to the chase, if one is buying properties with these features, you need to take note of are the location of the lift with its door opening, stair ways and balcony. These are areas not often mentioned. But to share with you, yes, it does matter. Sharing one example of a lift door - there had always been a belief that lift door should not open or face directly to your main door. This is due to 气冲 which allow qi to flow out directly in 'a straight line' and, this is negative. But in all honesty, there is much more metaphysics science to it. (If you do have such layout, rest assure this alone does not determine the quality of fengshui.) The key in these areas mentioned forms part of pint of entry of qi to property. In a sense, it forms part of 气口 to your property. Thus these highlighted areas can influence the grade of your property just as much as your bedrooms or your kitchen. Based on below example, the lift lies outside of the floorplan. To a certain extend, it looks to be reasonably regular in shape. However, what maybe less common is if the sector where the qi comes in is at the auspicious sector of your property? To share, the following property that applies to this are especially these properties: Residential property - Executive mansionette (HDB EM), Penthhouse, Shop houses, Loft unit apartments, Apartment with private lifts and all landed properties Commercial property - Walk up shop houses, commercial buildings Are you are planning to get a double story unit or properties mentioned? It would be prudent to have Fengshui audit before committing. As with property buying, it is always about location, location location. But this time applied in Fengshui aspect.
Was doing a unit selection for one of the projects that is a new launch – The Reserve Residences. For those looking at new condo projects in the West, you just can’t miss this new launch, I guess. An integrated development at Upper Bukit Timah Road and Jalan Jurong Kechil, and integrated into Beauty World MRT. The 732 units development also has various amenities such as hawker center and good schools nearby. The list of its attractions goes on, but how about its fengshui? Let’s dive in quickly and I thought to share a couple of things on the project. For a start, the location of the site is conveniently connected. However, with the convenience, you would have to trade this for the buzz and traffic around the area. You would have to expect the area to be busy. Hence, those looking for a quieter and peaceful environment, you may wish to consider your choice of unit very carefully within the project. Even though the project is elevated, the lower floor units could still be susceptible to 声煞. Surrounding the development, it is connected with major busy roads or highway. This translates likely most stretches of its surrounding roads are with fast traffic passing by. To translate and explain into simple fengshui influence, this is deemed as “merciless water” and hence may pose a challenge where it is harder for the site to gather energy/qi or 聚气. This is slightly less ideal as we usually prefer a gentle flow in contrast. As property would be completed only in 2028, this property would hence be in period 9. This luck phase would last from 2024 to 2043. A few additional reasons why we would have to be more selective in units that are being chosen:
In terms of other areas such as external facing of property, do note some of units may receive poison arrow from surroundings within the project. In summary, it is more tricky to pick out a feng shui choice unit. There are other observations to the project though which I would only share the above. That said, there are still some good units to be picked from in the project. Personally, I would prefer some of units around block 23 with some of the selected layout. If you are unsure and require advice on picking a good fengshui unit, feel free to drop us a note. Happy house hunting! Recently, I had a chat with a customer enquiring on fengshui home selection services. Wishing to know more on fengshui for house selection, I answered and shared some of key fengshui aspects to look for. During the chat, I noticed however, that she seem to focus on property in the West (while she works in East). That was when I found out her previous fengshui master shared that she should only stay in the West as it is her favourable direction. Favourable Direction based on Your Bazi So, what is this favourable direction about? Is there any basis? In the world of Chinese Metaphysics, each direction does represent an element. (Refer to below for elements based on direction) Basing on my client’s favourable bazi element, a favourable direction is then derived. Hence, basing on your bazi, if your favourable element is Wood, then it is deem best you stay in the East. Should your favorable element be Fire then its best for you to stay in South. Practicality Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying the basis is incorrect. However, we need to apply a little bit of practicality in application. Using my client’s example, relocating to the West intentionally due to fengshui while you work in the East, may not seem so feasible. This is not to mention the daily (unnecessary) travel, which would be tiring. On another note, imagine if you are looking for a condo and you can only stay in the South. One may feel stressful even before staying in one. Why? This is given how it may not be a feasible economical option for all – considering how expensive most property would be in South. House Selection Process
We must ask ourselves, what is important in a property house fengshui? The key lies in the fundamental aspects – main door, bedrooms, kitchen, layout and external environment. So long as the property passes these requirements, it enjoys good fengshui. Any person staying in the house would receive the luck. Hence, we always recommend one to perform a feng shui house selection audit before committing. This is to ensure property has good or at least no bad fengshui to begin with. That is already half the battle won. Fengshui and its application is after all a science subject. But at times, it requires a bit of practicality too. At least in my humble opinion. Have questions on your property’s fengshui? Drop us a note and we would be more than happy to have a chat. Happy house hunting! 8/23/2022 5 Comments Piermont Grand Fengshui ReviewPiermont Grand is a new condo that is likely to receive TOP in early 2023. With 820 units, it is located by the waterway area, with also the Sungei Punggol nearby. It is also near Punggol Central at Sumang Walk. Of course, part of considerations may be if units have good fengshui. In this article, would like to share some personal observations while conducting an fengshui audit. 1. Water surrounding the site, does that translate to better wealth? If you observe from the surrounding, the site runs along the path of water way linking to the Sungei Punggol River. Although the typical saying is 见水为财 (seeing water is good for wealth), but this is a very general way of saying. The formation of flow and surrounding must support in order for property to harness the wealth qi to benefit the occupant. Hence, I would like to point out that there is no significant landscape formation that elevates the site given its location. This is usually the mark of difference separating between average to one with strong wealth luck. Not to worry, as in the later part of article, I would share if there are other merits from the project. 2. What is the main facing of your stack? There are broadly speaking 4 different main facing based on the site plans. (Refer to site plan categorization) All stacks have a NS or NE or SW facing depending on which side you are facing. The good thing is most of blocks are highly likely North South facing. ( Highlighted in Cyan, Red and Yellow ) The only exception is for those in Navy blue. These blocks either faces to NE or SW. Buyers would be thinking if this is good given this is not your usual popular orientation. The good news is, there are potentially some very good units in these NE or SW facing stacks. In fact, some of these units may have even better luck than some of NS facing units. This is especially applicable to those facing SW. With the right luck activation, occupants can enjoy very good luck. 3. What to note of the external? Fengshui is always about managing the internal and external environment. The most notable ones where there are some shq qi caused by external environment. Some of stacks that potentially maybe affected include stack 7, 9, 13, 23, 26, 42 and 48. (Can refer to the areas identified on map.) Of course if possible, it is best to avoid. However, depending on how severe the sha qi is presented, it does not mean that there would be bad luck daily. Each shq qi encountered should be reviewed as it may impact us on certain years or period in time. This is usually identified during on site observation or can be studied through the site plan as highlighted here. 4. Which stacks are then better?
If I were to pick a choice unit, that would be only at blk 28 at stack 14. Else it would be 1 of units facing SW highlighted in point 2. These are units enjoying favourable facing and/or with good internal fengshui in this projects. As this is a sharing of opinions on the project, we try to keep it concise and did not go into floorplans review sharing here. If you do have questions to your unit or are looking to enhance your property’s feng shui, feel free to drop me a message. We were recently invited by Redfin, a full-service real estate brokerage, to collaborate on a article on fengshui advice for small apartments . Although fengshui application to properties encompasses a wide area of knowledge, we share what we think is the key aspect in this .
Do catch our contribution in this summary piece for home buyers and owners. Transform Your Small Space: How to Feng Shui Your Apartment We thank Redfin for the opportunity to collaborate on this article too. 4/16/2022 0 Comments New Condo Launch - The CommodoreThe Commodore is a new launched condo set in Canberra Drive. This is a condo project that is between new BTO units project (Canberra Vista) and the landed properties at Jalan Sendudok and Jalan Kemuning. Getting a unit in this new condo launch? We share some perspective through our fengshui review. Project Facing and Surrounding – East Facing For a start, the property site faces East and likely has a double 9 facing formation. This is an extremely lucky formation and facing but the surrounding landform needs to support to trigger the luck to property. Taking a close look at the surrounding, however, the project’s front faces the high rise BTO site. High rise apartments in current day context are deem as mountains. And at the back of project, there are low rise landed property structure. For this project to enjoy the best of luck, there needs to be favorable "water" in roads leading to the entrance, which is lacking. The back of project also should have high rise building. Such though is unavoidable in a concrete jungle city - hence the scarcity of property with great feng shui. Summary and Units Facing
For the units wise, all of them have a North South facing orientation – a good thing to have. Here is a summary of our analysis:
As there are various units from 1 bedder to 5 bedder, the best unit would need to be carefully picked based on surrounding, floor plan lay out and its orientation. All the best to your selection! Hope the above guide gives some guidance to your selection and drop us a note if you require professional fengshui advice for your property selection. An EC that is launched in Yishun, just next to Symphony Suites. The new condo is located at a new part of Yishun at Yishun Close that is developing. The project consists of units ranging from 3 bedders to 5 bedders. While potential buyers looking at projects from North, we review and found some observation from fengshui perspective to this new condo. 1. Facing of units - is it really North South facing? On paper, the site plan of the units seem to be North South facing. Least it looks good enough to avoid most of afternoon sun. But from the feng shui perspective, as the units orientation are estimated to be facing at 15 to 20 degrees+/-, this means the properties is likely to be facing the intersection of 2 different direction from feng shui perspective. As per the image above, units could face either North (癸) or North East (丑) sector (circled in yellow). This means units could: a. potentially be facing North or North-East based in orientation (for North facing units). b. or potentially be either face South or South-West based in orientation (for South facing units). c. From fengshui aspect, facing a different sector would affect the reading of the unit and influence the auspicious sectors of property. This is with exception for blk 43 and 45 where some stacks are East West facing. Hence to do a selection from feng shui perspective, it is important to know which are the better units to select due to this grey area scenario. 2. Which may be the better blocks? The project sits on an almost rectangle shape of land. Personally, I prefer some of stacks from block 25 and 27. This is more due to its location within the project due to its proximity. 3. This is a period 9 property. The project would be completed in 2025. This is something important to note for calculation of property luck versus those that just TOP from now till 2024. What this means is the property would be a period 9 property. Period 8 properties are those from 2004 to 2023. And period 9 is from 2024 to 2043. 4. Potential poison arrows? Properties are aligned diagonally across the project. This means some units/stacks may be receiving poison arrow from surrounding nearby blocks within the estates. 5. Facing from Symphony Suites For buyers whom are looking to buy stacks facing Symphony Suites, there is less worry of any poison arrow from opposite blocks. As shown on image below, the block from Symphony Suites has a direct facing rather than diagonal facing. (Hence no corner edges are pointing to North Gaia) Hope the above gives you an quick additional consideration to your property selection! Should you require a professional fengshui advice for your property selection, feel free to drop us a note. In property crazy Singapore, a service that is closely related to property would be fengshui related services. If you ask a neutral layman on the street, they would typically think fengshui affects wealth or general luck to occupants. But beyond the luck aspect, what are the areas that can be of considerations? Mostly, price, reviews and reputation. Before you engage your fengshui master, hopefully this article would help to give you a better context and some insights. I listed down the areas such as - fengshui applications, pricing structure, range of service you may get among the few areas you should know better. 1. Fengshui applications - luck activation or cures In the market, the main different fengshui applications to enhance luck, cures, protection in market are: a. Ornaments, crystals Different type of ornaments/crystals are used for purpose such as cleanse, wealth or relationship. b. Religion related items Rituals, talisman, deity or any ornaments maybe used. c. Household items link to 5 elements (Metal, water, wood, fire, earth) Focus is on interaction with identified feng shui spots at home using natural elements (e.g. plants, water items, fire/lights) to activate luck or as cures. (Personally, this is something I prescribe for my clients.) The focus is on what type of luck enhancement or cures the fengshui master uses. End of day, it is what you believe in and your preference. Example, using ornaments or religion applications, it would be obvious to the naked eye. However, using elemental items, this is easily blended into your house furnishing and cannot be detected otherwise yet effective. Pricing wise, you may be surprise that some of feng shui cures or for luck activation is actually economical and not at all exorbitant. Also, fengshui is not a religious practise but a Chinese metaphysics science subject. 2. Pricing Structure In Singapore, most property audit fees are priced to type of property. Mainly, price is categorized based on whether its HDB, condos and landed. So, a 2 bedroom property size of e.g. 800 sq ft is charged differently for public housing (HDB flats) vs a private housing (condo/private apartment) if you have done a pricing research. The pricing is then tiered based on number of rooms and size. Generally in the market, pricing is at approximately $500 - $600 and above for a 1 bedroom HDB property as a benchmark. Do check out what is covered as part of the fees too. Some pricing may or may not include essential fengshui services such as date selection. This is the same for other services like audit reports or overview bazi reading for occupants. I often hear from clients that some reports provided may vary from lengthy reports with in depth fengshui jargons, to some that are straight to the point action items. Some fengshui master may also not provide reports but just tell you verbally on site. So it would depends on individuals on what works. PS: Personally, regardless of a condo or HDB unit, there are only 2 rooms, XXX sqft. These are key areas that affect the manhours for our analysis. Hence, we adopt a different pricing from most where we charge based on property size and number of rooms, regardless of public or private apartments. 3. Your fengshui master and the kind of services rendered Say you have decided to shortlist a few fengshui masters, do speak to them. Just like engaging any service, comfort level with the fengshui master matters. Different fengshui masters have differing styles. You should be able to get the sense on top of the above pointers listed. 4. Fengshui systems used for auditing your property (something if you maybe curious about..) The most popular and widely used system is known is Xuan Kong Flying Stars (or 九宫风水). This can be used to find out if your property has favorable luck to its occupants and which area. But on top of that, there are various systems. (Yes, in fengshui, a proper system with formulas is used as part of fengshui audit processes.) So do ask your fengshui master if you are engaging. Other systems such as Xuan Kong Da Gua, Xuan Kong Liu Fa, Ba Zai, San He Feng Shui and the list goes on. Why ask this, you may wonder. Applications used for luck activations or cures can at times be link to fengshui systems used. Fengshui on its own is a Chinese metaphysics science. However, some practitioner may incorporate with religion practice. Hence, it is good to check with your fengshui master to get an understanding. Finally, with sharing of these considerations, I hope it helps to give a good idea during the search for your fengshui services needed.
Besides able to use fengshui to help you in life, it should allow you to have a level of comfort. After all, this is your home. 11/27/2020 0 Comments Property Selection Headache - Part 2To continue from our previous article addressing on property facing, we now look at another aspect of property feng shui during selection. In Singapore, most of us stay in high rise buildings – be it HDB or condominium apartments. During the process of buying (resale or new), some of us may be particular and have some ideal facing in mind (if you do). Well, question is, when does this external view comes in to affect you in terms of feng shui perspective? With many BTO selection exercise and condo launches, potential buyers have often asked me questions pertaining to their house facing. So in this article, I would run through an overview facings for home hunters for a better understanding. This will serve to give you a reference check (or red flag) if you may need to pay extra attention to your property’s facing regarding to its feng shui. Before I start, property fengshui aspects is derive from generally two areas:
Question is, when should I be concern of the external? Let’s list down what are the typical facing one would see:
2. Pool or water view Generally good but it depends on a few factors. Depending on your property’s bazi, it is not guaranteed that if you face a pool, it means wealth. (Yes, swimming pool can trigger wealth luck) It is dependent on your property’s bazi chart. What kind of water features at the pool can also be good or bad. Examples. Think water fountain, waterfall etc. It also depends on which floor you stay. 3. Unblock facing roads This is tricky. This is due to there are various possibilities depending on: a. Your property faces a straight road with busy or no traffic b. Your property facing a bend curve road c. Your property faces a round about d. Your property faces a split road (Y junction or T junction) e. Your property faces a flyover or MRT/LRT track f. If the traffic is oncoming to your house or away These are some of those in consideration. Again, height and noise level also plays an important factor. 4. Unblock view facing landed house This can be nice and some condo enjoys such facing. This however, can be tricky and would depend on the façade of the properties you are facing. Height of your property matters too. 5. Units at top floor of an apartment block I usually feel this applies to the top 2 stories of the block. Typically, units here may enjoy good view and are windy. However, units here are prone to negative feng shui depending on what lies opposite you in other property apartment your property faces. 6. Block view facing other buildings or apartments By comparison, this seem to naturally be a less favourable facing. But fret not, depending on your property’s bazi chart, this can actually be a good thing to trigger good luck. If you are still with me (Yes, I know it’s a long article), I hope the above listed gives you a good perspective of various facing by breaking down into various categories and when you should pay extra attention.
Certainly, the above listed are not exhaustive and there are other kind of facing though less common. It is especially challenging for the untrained eye if it is a new property sale where you only have the site plan for reference. If you do enjoy the article, do share with your friends and family! I receive some questions as this buyer faces some dilemma of choices for her BTO selection exercise at Kim Keat. One of her question was, among the choice units (circled in red), the buyer was not sure where is the main facing. Is this determine by the main door? Isn’t it the same? If you are a new home owner, this can come across as confusing. Most people are often unsure and understandably make assumption. Why is this important? Importance of main door and front facing of property differences The main door is like the mouth of the house and qi to the house is 'received' in from here. As such, it is hence critical and need to be at a prosperous sector of the house with good qi. It is afterall considered as 阳宅三要 - '3 must haves' in a residential property. The prosperous sector of the house is then determined by where the property faces. How do you determine that? A rule of thumb is to take the property's side with the most window facing. This facing usually also has more movement. (e.g. facing main road, or facing a park) This is one of the area which we use to as part of our process to determine the fengshui grading of the property. Hence, the front facing of the house is not the same as the main door. Hope you see the connection. Through these selection criteria, we can then help filter and select a choice unit. Cream of the crop choice. I would share other selection headaches that may easily be overlooked by home buyers encountered in my next post. |
CategoriesAll 2020 Zodiac Forecast Bazi Bto Selection Career Case Study Celebrities Cesarean Birth CNY Condo Selection Date Selection Death Fu Yin House Fengshui Love Name Selection Relationship Spouse Element Wealth Zodiac Forecast AuthorFounded Feng Shui Discovery Consulting in Singapore, Gibson has keen interest and carries out various research in the subject. Archives
January 2025
CategoriesAll 2020 Zodiac Forecast Bazi Bto Selection Career Case Study Celebrities Cesarean Birth CNY Condo Selection Date Selection Death Fu Yin House Fengshui Love Name Selection Relationship Spouse Element Wealth Zodiac Forecast |