I met a lady through a bazi consultation. What was interesting while reading her bazi (as below) was the number of fire in her chart. In some part of our consultation, I had advise her that she is one of those blessed to be a tai tai and has the life to enjoy. True enough, she is a stay at home mum and has a comfortable life. I mean, after all, “How I can wish I can be a tai tai” is something typically being wished upon. I guess its good life.. where you need not work and can be supported by your husband. That was when the conversation turned and she posted a question to me. “But a fengshui master had told me before that I should not cook, because I have a lot of fire in my bazi. Is it true??”, said this lady. She was also advise best not to wear red which would not be favorable to her. (Much to her disappointment as she actually enjoy and love red.) I looked at her chart and I can understand why. You see, typically, in a bazi chart, it is generally believed that bazi chart is best to have balance. It should not be overwhelmed by one element. In a normal circumstance, this chart is indeed not too good with half the chart in fire. A person born with many fire in such bazi chart may often get sick and/or highly likely to endure a tough life. (Of course, besides elements, we have to consider the ten gods aspect of each bazi.) However, this lady’s bazi chart belongs to a bazi chart called “Follower’s chart” (从格). I would save the technicality part of it. But effectively, this chart’s way of reading would be opposite – the stronger the fire the better! As such, fire is good for her! Fire also stands for her husband and status. As such, able to enjoy a tai tai life. Had the fire been unfavourable to her, she would not have her current life and may not even get married. (Her relationship aspect in this bazi chart does have other flaws, but we shall leave that for another article to explain) Even under a normal bazi circumstances, I then explained to her, practicality has to be considered in bazi. It cannot be that one should steer away from all fire related stuff if fire is bad for her. No cooking, no walking under the sun (丙 is essentially the sun and fire in bazi context).. then one may find to it hard to live a life with so many "cannot do list". Just like, it cannot be due to one's bazi chart having many water - one should not drink nor swim. There is a difference between, say, a career for example and daily life. Bazi reading is after all a mystical science where it can be inferred on many areas. As shared earlier, a base concept in bazi is that every 1 of the bazi character out of the 8, can be represented by elements or different ten gods. This represent certain things in life - status, money, relationship, your thoughts etc and if its good or bad for you. However, the reading has to make sense and there is a line to be drawn. At the end of the day, bazi reading as such should help us and not handicap one. Nonetheless during the end of reading, I'm glad my client expressed that she does not have to try avoid red clothings. She is happy that it actually brings her luck!
CategoriesAll 2020 Zodiac Forecast Bazi Bto Selection Career Case Study Celebrities Cesarean Birth CNY Condo Selection Date Selection Death Fu Yin House Fengshui Love Name Selection Relationship Spouse Element Wealth Zodiac Forecast AuthorFounded Feng Shui Discovery Consulting in Singapore, Gibson has keen interest and carries out various research in the subject. Archives
January 2025
CategoriesAll 2020 Zodiac Forecast Bazi Bto Selection Career Case Study Celebrities Cesarean Birth CNY Condo Selection Date Selection Death Fu Yin House Fengshui Love Name Selection Relationship Spouse Element Wealth Zodiac Forecast |