1/28/2021 0 Comments Name Selection in the year of OxAs we usher in the Ox year, parents expecting their baby born this year would need to brainstorm on one precious gift for their newborn. This gift which would likely stick to them for life – a good name! Thing is, what should we look out for when we think of an auspicious name? Typically, Singaporeans have a preference for more unique and a nice sounding name. Through this article, you would be able to understand better in what goes behind in a good name for those born in the year of Ox. The 12 zodiacs and basis of bazi study in name selection Ox is 2nd among the order of the 12 zodiacs. In the study of bazi and within these 12 zodiacs, it is important to note that there are some zodiacs that the Ox prefers and dislikes. For a start, Ox are good with Snake and Rooster. These 3 animals form a harmony combi called 三合. Another combination that the Ox like is with the Rat and Pig called 三会. On the opposite camp, they dislike the Goat, Horse and Dog. This is due to their direct clash or punishment combi nature when put together. In bazi terms, we term them as 相冲,相刑, 相害. In bazi context, Ox (丑) is actually an earthly branch which contains water. Hence it is beneficial to have metal. The two elements would ensure support as metal supports water. This is derived from the character of 丑. If you think of it, coincidentally, Ox and water are always closely related. On the contrary, they dislike fire. Think fire and you equate to under the hot sun (fire) and working hard. What do we also know about Ox? Ox is a hardworking and dependable animal that feed on grains and preferably sheltered (vs working in the farm). They are often also served as sacrificial offerings. They can also be hunted by other animals being herbivorous. From here, we derived part of the list on auspicious and inauspicious characters that we should pay attention to. Auspicious Characters Favourable for Ox 1. Characters with 辶 or 酉 远, 运, 凤, 飞,鸾,鸣,迈,泽,莺, 通, 庭, 强, 莲 These are characters contains radical to Snake or Rooster. As written earlier, these zodiacs form a harmony combi with Ox and hence are auspicious. 2. Characters with 子 or 亥 孔,字, 孝, 孟, 孩, 季, 孙, 子, 豪, 濠, 承, 永 These are characters contains radical Rat or Pig. These zodiacs form the winter season earthly branches and are a good combi with Ox and hence are auspicious. 3. Characters with 宀 家, 定, 宏, 宜, 庭, 沈, 宋, 富 Having characters with this radical symbols person would have a shelter. This also implies comfort and somewhere to hide out from danger. Similar to Ox working in the field or being sheltered from sun, you can imagine which has a possible better life. 4. Characters with 氵 洪, 洁, 添, 江, 潘, 温, 泉, 汤, 法, 济, 清 Ox is associated with water and belongs to the winter season. As such, it is auspicious to have characters picked containing water. Characters to Avoid for Ox 5. Characters with 午 or 未 洋, 美, 祥, 羲, 幸, 群, 妹, 许,驰, 冯,骏, 南 The indicative characters contains the Horse or Goat radicals. As such, these creates direct conflict towards the Ox hence best to avoid. Interesting Fact: In general, the South direction (南) also represents Fire which is in conflict with the Ox. 6. Characters with 戌 威, 武, 我, 城, 成, 盛 , 戈,戌, 犬, 戴 Similarly, the above characters contains radicals similar to dog. Dog is also part of the punishment combi and hence should be avoided. 7. Characters with 日 or 山 智, 明, 景, 日, 昌, 晶, 岳, 仙, 汕 The sun implies hard work and heat which is in conflict with Ox preference for water. Mountain contains danger and is not a natural habitat environment. Usually danger and threats lurk in the mountain. There are usually less food compared to a field where the Ox grazes. 8. Characters with 王 or 玉 珍、理、珠, 环, 王, 瑜,玮, 瑩, 宝 王 stands for the king. The co-relation is usually for the Ox to become the sacrificial offerings and usually at the mercy. Hence, it is quite self explanatory why it is to be avoided. 9. Characters with 彡 or “巾”、“衣” 彤, 彬, 彩, 彦, 希, 麦, 帮,常 Character containing these represents colors and thereby means being sacrificial offerings. In the old days, the offerings are often deck in colors and decorated. This is similar to point 8 to why we should avoid the characters with these radicals listed. If you are sharp eye enough, you may notice something among the words to avoid or that are auspicious. Some are actually surnames and it means if the baby born with such surnames would be able to benefit from it more. Favourable Surname for Ox: 李, 郑, 洪, 江, 孙,温, 宋, 沈, 黄, 郭,游,张,田,梁 Less Favourable Surname for Ox: 朱,杨, 许,成,马,徐,冯,章, 姜、狄 This is also based on the principles of bazi and due to conflicts of energy. Should someone be born under a favourable surname, there is certainly a better advantage and head start at young age too. But that said, there is nothing we can do about our surname. It is about a matter of focusing what we can do to put ourselves in an advantage position in the art of name selection. In the selection of an auspicious name, the above listed are not exhaustive. There are actually other categories not listed (favourable or those to be avoided). Not to forget, there is also consideration of stroke count. This is to ensure the baby or person's name is auspicious based on the 五格吉凶表 and others areas to consider. Part of a challenge to selecting an auspicious name is to ensure other than the right characters, the name should have a nice ring to it. Finally, you may also wish to check if the feng shui master can try to work within some preferred characters submitted. Some do have such practices, while some may not. Of course, the last thing parents (or individuals) want, is to get a name which they do not like. So this option if available is really beneficial. However as with all things, there is no guarantee that the preferred characters is always useable or auspicious. I hope you enjoy this article which gives some insights into how name selection comes about. Also, some of the methodology that are based on bazi studies to allow you to appreciate the discussed areas of name selection. This not only applies to baby name selection but also for anyone born under the zodiac year of Ox.
Over here, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Prosperous and Happy Lunar New Year in year of Ox!
We are now just 3 weeks away from celebrating CNY ushering in the year of Ox! As most of us slowly get into the mood of CNY, I would like to share some tips and what you should know revolving to the lunar new year in 2021. When is it? In terms of lunar calendar, we would be welcoming the new year’s spring season on 3 Feb 2021! This is what we call 立春. This is also the day where you would see many starting to queue to deposit money for a better wealth luck in the new year. (Not that we are advocating any queuing!) One interesting fact to share - for babies born on 3 Feb, after approximate 10pm, you would be considered under the new year zodiac, Ox. Any timing earlier on the same day, you would be still under the year of Rat. This would also mean it’s a different set of bazi due to the cut over into the new year. What element is this year? This is the Metal Ox year (Ox being earth) or 辛丑年, it would be extremely favourable in general if your bazi favours these two element of either metal and/or earth. By and large, we would certainly be progressing towards a better year than 2020. During the Rat year, we were in the midst of the cold 'water' winter period. The Ox year signify the ending of this cold water period. In this Metal Ox year, metal sits on top of the earth. This is a engender year pillar where metal (辛) is produce by earth (丑) based on the 5 elements in Chinese Metaphysics. Overall, one would have a fruitful and productive year if you endure and persevere. The Ox character People born in the year of the Ox would typically display characters demonstrating patience, believes in hard work and perseverance. They may keep to themselves but make no mistake, they can be opinionated. On the other hand, they can typically be a little more stubborn in the way they do things. When is the auspicious date to commence work? Most of us know this as 开工吉日. There are two auspicious date to commence work, though do note if you are one of the zodiacs that conflict with that day's energy. Which direction should I be concern of at home? In the new year, should you also be moving into new house or carrying out renovation, do note of the flying star in 2021. This year the negative sectors are in the North East or South West that are affected. If you are moving/renovating your new place where your main door in either of the two sectors, I highly recommend you to only select an auspicious date and time. For minor renovation that is in the part of house which falls in this sector/direction, the same applies. North East – 犯太岁 (facing degrees 22.5 – 37.5) South West – 岁破 (facing degrees 202.5 – 217.5) It is also recommended to not put up red CNY deco on your main door should it be facing this direction listed. Which are the zodiacs that "犯太岁“ (fan tai sui) in 2021? Some of you may have the practice to pray to 太岁 during the year where your zodiac "offends" the Grand Duke. The following zodiac listed should pay attention: 1. Ox 2. Goat 3. Horse 4 Dragon 5. Dog But just to share, should you belong to any of zodiac, it does not mean naturally you would have negative luck in the year, contrary to common belief.
Thanks for reading! Wishing you a prosperous Lunar New Year in 2021! 新年快乐, 财源滚滚! Should you wish to have your bazi analyse to capitalize on the Ox year luck, drop us a note to book your appointment now! Happy 2021! As we usher in the new year, the next zodiac to be ushered in would be the Ox year. Today, instead of sharing a CNY related article, I wish to discuss on this occurrence in a bazi chart - one where you would see duplicate pillars. In bazi terminology, this is called "Fu-yin". Why so special this time round? In this new year, we have the Ox year as we all know. And in case you may not be aware, each year would end off with the Ox month (typically in month of January). The thing to highlight is for babies born in 2022 January, they would likely have a “Fu-yin” in their bazi. What is so special is we would see almost TWO consecutive months of “Fu-yin”. The "Fu-yin" period falls between: 5 Jan 2022 – 31 Jan 2022 辛丑 4 February 2022 – 4 Mar 2022 壬寅 What is "Fu-yin"? "Fu-yin" literally means photocopy – duplication. As long as two pillars are of the same within your bazi chart, it is considered "fu-yin". Over these two months, the month and year pillar would be exactly the same. As such, babies born on these dates would have a bazi chart containing the "fu-yin" situation. As per the above 2nd image, we even have a day in Feb 2022 with all four 壬寅 pillars of "fu-yin". Such does not occur often. Is "fu-yin" good or bad? When "fu-yin" happens to appear in one’s chart, it may not be all bad. However, the most important thing to take note:
In addition, one’s luck may be volatile when passing through certain phase in life. You may see one phase of life that maybe wonderful and a sudden fall from grace. Some of these bazi charts may also imply a likelihood to have poorer luck in marriage. Do note, this sharing is purely on bazi chart alone. As you may know, one's luck in life would also be influence by their luck pillar - 十年大运. As such, for parents whom are planning to have a child and with EDD over this 2 months, may wish to take note. It is recommended to consider a birth date selection due to reasons shared above. Were you born in "fu-yin" months and implied meaning? I did a quick research over the past 30 years. There were some days where "fu-yin" also appeared across all four pillars. If you were born in this month and year, you would likely have such "fuyin" in your bazi chart too. 1983 Nov 癸亥 1989 May 己巳 1994 Oct 甲戌 1978 Jun 戊午 Here's something interesting to share if you have all pillars similar. Very likely, your character is pretty much 'one dimension'. People around you may tend to find you have a straight forward character and easier to understand.
Year and month pillar also represent your early years. As such, whether the elements if good or bad may also influence your luck during then. Do you happen to be born on such dates/months and have similar bazi chart? Did you experience any volatile luck? Feel free to drop us a note or comment. |
CategoriesAll 2020 Zodiac Forecast Bazi Bto Selection Career Case Study Celebrities Cesarean Birth CNY Condo Selection Date Selection Death Fu Yin House Fengshui Love Name Selection Relationship Spouse Element Wealth Zodiac Forecast AuthorFounded Feng Shui Discovery Consulting in Singapore, Gibson has keen interest and carries out various research in the subject. Archives
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